Thursday, December 9, 2010


Lederhosen, West Village

39 Grove Street
New York, NY 10014

Yelp Reviews

From the website

So a postdoc in my department had returned from a vacation in Germany, her homeland.  She talked on and on about the various meals and desserts she had.  It all sounded very good and all of the food she mentioned, I have never had.  My labmates suggested we and some other women go out for a german dinner one night, which made me very excited.

This is a medium sized restaurant in the West Village, on a residential street.  The main dining area had picnic bench style seating and german cultural knick knacks covering the walls.  Also plenty of signs saying, if you break anything it goes on your tab.  I guess Oktoberfest gets a little wild at this place.  Our waitress got our drink our immediately, and I  had 2 large glasses of hefeweiss for the night.  We all had different variety of platters at our large table, so it was nice to share some.  Only 2 quibbles.  The waitress forgot my order of spaetzle, so when I asked, it came out just about when I was full from the dinner platter.  She also said the kitchen messed up our german friend's order: the wrong schnitzel came out.  Which she decidedly did not like but at least didn't have to pay for.  The right dish came out, which was from her home region , but was decidedly not the way she preferred.  She also thinks the wursts are not housemade, which makes the restaurant lose some authenticity points.

Anyway, the dinner platters definitely do shine here.  Me and 3 others got the Zwei Wuerste Lederhosen Art, where one can order 2 different types of wurst and a choice of specific side dishes.  From recommendations of the women there as well as looking at yelp, I ordered the currywurst (new to me) and the bratwurst (a reliable choice).  My sides were delicious.  I generally hate cabbage, but the way they prepared the red cabbage was so good, I ate it all up.  The german fried potatoes was also excellent.  The spaetzle when I did get it, was decent, but like I said I would have preferred it if I wasn't already so full.   The mistaken dinner that came out was the Zigeunerschnitzel, a schnitzel in spicy red sauce, and although the other girl didn't like it, the some that she shared I thought was pretty damn good and I would maybe order that myself if I ever chose to come back.

For dessert we ordered 4 different kinds to share amongst our group.  The german chocolate cake, was decent, the apple cake was excellent and the black forest cake was my personal favorite.  And of course the waitress didn't put in our cheesecake order.  Which we were like, oh never mind.

So would I come here again? Maybe. But the service most definitely needs to be worked on.  However, german food agrees with me.  Can't wait to try it again.

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